A Traditional Museum with a Strong Grip on Today

Satakunta Museum, founded in 1888, is a museum with regional responsibilities and stands right next to the historically unique group of dignified town houses of 19th century Pori, overlooking the river Kokemäenjoki. The museum is one of the oldest cultural and historical museums in Finland with a strong grip on today’s world – the versatile museum was awarded the 2019 Museum of the Year title.
The permanent Elon merkkejä – Signs of Life exhibition describes the Pori and Satakunta of past and present generations. The three exhibition floors are filled with stories of life in the region, its phenomena and the local characters. The temporary exhibitions focus on interesting new themes and episodes in local history. In addition to exhibitions, you can also find lectures, workshops and other events at Satakunta Museum, without forgetting the museum shop.
Not only is Satakunta Museum a wonderful place to visit, but also an expert on the local cultural heritage. As a museum with regional responsibilities, Satakunta Museum conserves information, objects, pictures and archive material on the regional cultural heritage, looks after the cultural environment in Satakunta and offers museum services for the public.
Satakunta Museum also covers the Ark Nature Centre, the Rosenlew Museum, the Building Heritage Museum Toivo, the Lavia local history museum and the museum tugboat Santtu in Reposaari. These Satakunta Museum locations, Pori Art Museum and its Poriginal galleria together form the City of Pori museum services.
Satakunta Museum is supported by an active backup team, the friends of Satakunta Museum or Satakunnan Museon ystävät ry.